About House & Garden Nutrients
House & Garden Nutrients is a cup-winning fertiliser solution for the highest quality harvests. Craft batch manufactured in a zero-waste facility in Humboldt California, House & Garden is used worldwide by advanced cropping facilities, prized for its purity and clean formulation. Founded in the Netherlands 30 years ago, House & Garden is now used in more than 30 countries by licensed medical facilities, universities, commercial farmers and home gardeners who enjoy a truly premium product.

House & Garden Cocos A+B
$45.00 – $150.00
In Stock

House & Garden Soil A&B
$45.00 – $135.00
In Stock

House & Garden Roots Excelurator
$70.00 – $145.00
In Stock

House & Garden Amino Treatment 250ML
In Stock

House & Garden Multi Zyme 1L
In Stock

House & Garden Bud-XL 1L
In Stock

House & Garden Top Booster 1L
In Stock

House & Garden Shooting Powder
In Stock